Beta Theta Pi Fundraiser
September 11 - 15 2023
Mentoring America and Beta Theta Pi partnered up to raise awareness and support for our non profit. Beta Theta Pi hosted a week full of events to raise money. Mentoring America board members attended the daily events to explain our programs and the benefits of Mentoring America. Through their efforts and hard work, we raised more money than ever before!

Miami Beach Senior High School
November 1, 2021
Members of the Mentoring America Team visited Miami Beach Senior High School, where they encouraged students to become part of the mentorship program. In addition, they spoke to students about the services and programs we offer, and emphasized the importance of reaching their goals and having some guidance during the college application process.
February 17, 2023
Mentoring America had a second recruitment event with Miami Beach Senior High School. Our team was able to inform students about our expanding programs and recruit a new round of students to become mentees. We also had some of our own mentors speak to students about any questions they had regarding college applications and general guidance.

North Miami Beach Senior High School
December 8, 2021
Mentoring America board members and coordinators visited North Miami Beach Senior High School, where they spoke to students about the organization and the importance of having some guidance in reaching their post-secondary education goals. From this event, there were 37 high school students who signed up for the mentorship program.

Okeechobee High School
April 14, 2022
Mentoring America board members visited Okeechobee High School, where they were able to engage with students who were interested in receiving guidance through the college application process. During the event, they were able to speak to students individually and encourage them to become a mentee. This event proved to be a great success as we had several mentee sign ups and were able broaden our reach to students in other cities in Florida.

Krop Senior High School
March 8, 2022
Members of the Mentoring America Team participated in their first recruitment event at Krop Senior High School in Miami, Fl. Our team was able to engage with students who were interested in the organization and who wanted to know more about receiving guidance through the college application process. From this recruitment event, we had 40 high school students sign up!
September 14, 2022
Our partnership with Krop Senior High School continued we had the opportunity to host a second recruitment event in the Fall semester. During the event, we encouraged a new round of students to sign up to become a mentee and answered several questions about our expanding mentorship programs. There was a total of 57 mentee sign ups from this successful event!
March 9, 2023
More recently, our mentors and board members visited the high school with the goal of engaging with sophomores and juniors looking to start the college preparation process. During the event, our team was able to inform students of our expanded programs and resources and even raffle off some SAT/ACT prep books. There were about 6 new mentee sign ups from this event.